At first I didn't know how a fall garden would do. I've planted spring and summer crops before, but have never planted for the fall. Yet, as I researched it, I found that the fall is actually a better time to plant many cool weather crops like lettuce and spinach than the spring. The warmer weather helps the seeds sprout more quickly and gives them a vigorous start. Then as temperatures gradually drop, the growth slows producing lettuce that doesn't bolt as readily, nice heads of cabbage and so on... All this was unnecessary encouragement, but exciting to discover non-the-less.
So this morning I planted the first round of seeds and am now eagerly awaiting the tiny shoots of green.
Growing your own food == awesomeness. Josh is quite the carpenter. He can build a garden bed that's held together by two pieces of string! Quite impressive.
It's all in the knots, Erik. . .Boy Scout skillz, you know. Wanna see my merit badge?
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