Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Translator needed...

I know "num" means yummy and "na nu" thanks, but I need help with "A-bu-ji-na DOW-sie". Any ideas?

Check out more fun pictures here and here.


Anonymous said...

Oh Anna, can I have fun with this one? Maybe Rosiland is telling you both some secret message! Did you know that Abujina is a city in the Ivory Coast? But maybe she really was saying Abuja. In that case she may be referring to a city in Nigeria. Sounds like she may have something to say about the DOW also, ?si?

I am enjoying all the wedding pictures and family photos!

Mrs. Hardin

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, What were the tones on those words? After dillegent study in my Dictionary and much contemplation I have reached the conclusion that Rosalie was saying:

"Surprise! This dress is my own and I will keep it. I like to tease you for you don't know my personal joke."

I realize that is more than she said, but sometimes when you are translating, you must add other words to make the traslation understandable in English.

It's a darling picture!

Anonymous said...

Anna she is a doll!It was really cute because Kathryn was just in here and she was saying Rosie:)

Love you!

Michelle said...

oh my goodness! she is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm, no clue but that picture is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Abu is from the Disney movie. She's saying she's a star!

Bridget said...

She is so cute!!!
Happy WW!

Anna @ Feminine Adventures said...

Lol... thanks for the translation help! :)

Homemom3 said...

upsie daisy! lol. Happy WW, she sounds like my little boy.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet little girl! I love the smile, her eyes, those cheeks! She's adorable!!!

Frogs' mom said...

She is too cute! I'll bet no matter what she says, she gets her point across and has everyone wrapped around her finger :0)