Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Procrastination Wednesday

Joshua's in town studying and the rest of the family is gone for the day, so I get to spend a day alone with my little girl: listening to her sing, feeding the chickens together and even explaining why I can't take a turn on the little slide.

Much as I love time spent with our families, I've missed getting to hog her every smile, claim each kiss, listen to all her chatter and have her beside me the entire day. Especially with a new edition to our family on the way, each moment together is such a treasure to cherish!

But rather than cuddle up next to her for a nap, it is definitely time to tackle projects that need to get done and a few I've been procrastinating on for a while. Time for another No Procrastination Wednesday!

  • Determine the best option for William's birth and set up an appointment
  • Upload a video of Rose to Vimeo
  • Transfer the domain name for the blog
  • Start a train wall-hanging for William (sometime this coming week)
  • Figure out why our mail is not forwarding and fix it
  • List Joshua's old law school books on Amazon

1 comment:

A'yi said...

Did you enjoy your day with just you two? I once tried to explain to K why I couldn't get in the "Little Tykes" car, but she insisted, so I tried. . .:) I'll have to show you the video. Hah!