Time for a new set of "No Procrastination" goals. I so love the accountability of posting goals. Anyone care to join me? Today I'm going to tackle Rosalind's room and wardrobe.
Fix bumpers(as you can see from the pictures, they tend to bunch up in the middle)Finish shirt and make capris(the shirt is done, but I decided she doesn't need the capris--or rather, that I just don't have the time to make them)Go through Rosalind's clothes and make a list of winter clothes she'll needWash stroller thoroughly- Find a good natural bug spray for Rosalind that works (mosquitoes love her)
Record scriptures/catechism questions for Rosalind
I'll join you. I have a lot of things that are on my list that just don't seem to be getting done. Either I don't have time right then, or I get interupted, or I just don't want to.:} But since it is No Procrastination Wednesday, I'll see how much I can get done.
Wow! Less than a week left!?! "Three cheers":)
thinAnna I would love to hear more about what you are doing for Rose with scripture. Email me or call sometime. :)
That is quite a list! I am saving my to do list until we have finished school ~ one month left! I hope to get a lot accomplished this summer :).
I don't know about you, Anna, but I certainly got a lot done. Not all of it was on my list, like mowing the yard, but since it really needed it and the sun was out, I mowed.:) I think I managed to get six things done, one almost finished and another started.
Wow! You've been busy! Bug-repellent-wise, have you ever tried Shaklee Basic-H? Seriously. It WORKS. That's what my family has used for as long as I can remember :) Well, I DO remember a brief stint where we used "Green Ban" but stopped a couple months into it 'cuz EVERYONE could smell us, and would comment on "Oh, hey! It's the Green Ban people!" LOL :)
I also heard of something else today that sounds interesting and is supposed to repel ANY bug out there. Google "The Vinegar of the Four Thieves." Or look here -- http://www.bulkherbstore.com/articles/vinegar-four-thieves
I found some stuff last summer made with rosemary oil. Supposedly 'skeeters hate rosemary. I haven't tried it yet, though. I keep forgetting I have it and just grab my Basic-H.
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